Green Alhojari Boswellia Sacra Frankincense from Sultanate of Oman, Dhofar. Incense Luban Dakar.

Green Alhojari Boswellia Sacra Frankincense from Sultanate of Oman, Dhofar. Incense Luban Dakar.

13,0039,00 Italian VAT included


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Green Alhojari Boswellia Sacra Frankincense medical grade from Sultanate of Oman, Dhofar – Salalah region.
Green Frankincense Oman in natural and pure resin grains is the finest in the world for its high quality and medical and anti-aging properties.

Our mission is to sale Oman’s certain origin of Green Al hojari Boswellia Sacra Frankincense (incense) Oman, that are not mixed with resin from other countries.

GRADE: Green Hojari Boswellia Sacra Frankincense (luban dakar incense) in resin grains medical grade of the best natural and pure quality, without dyes and preservatives, with certain origin and imported from Oman.

Price 30 grams Euros 13.00 (including Italian VAT 22%)
Price 50 grams Euros 19.50 (including Italian VAT 22%)
Price 100 grams Euros 39.00 (including Italian VAT 22%)
Packs 500 grams and kilograms on request.

Pack with resealable bag for food contact. To ensure maximum conservation of the Boswellia Sacra Incense, put the Omani Frankincense tears in a glass vase or paper sachet. If you would like to enjoy the fragrance, leave the vase and sachet with frankincense resin open!
Shipping: we ship by courier and we communicate the exact shipping cost based on the weight of the parcel, the distance and the type of shipping.

For placing an order of Green Boswellia Sacra Frankincense Oman, please go to the booking form “add to basket” or “wishing list”. For more information, please email us or call & write us by phone or Whats-App .

Among the greatest treasures that come to us since the ancient world, Green Boswellia Sacra Frankincense resin tears from Oman is the luxury essence and has been prized for centuries for its finest scent and medicinal and spiritual properties.
Green Boswellia Sacra Frankincense Oman is the most valuable in the world for the highest quality of medical incense, rich in Boswellic Acids with a value from 4.6% to 5.68% A.K.B.A by extraction procedure, appreciated for its high anti-inflammatory, reduce anxiety, antibacterial, relaxing properties and anti-aging benefits.

Wholesales trade any quantity of pure resins of Green Al Hojari Boswellia Sacred. We also sale the finest Royal Essential Oils Alhojari Boswellia Sacra and the finest Frankincense Water from Boswellia Sacra for bulk, wholesale and retail.

Take some time to imagine how useful our Frankincense Boswellia Sacra raw resin tears can be for you, please!

Take the advantage of having the best aromatherapy for you and your love ones and start placing your order now, or contact us at the contact details indicated.

Green Al Hojari Boswellia Sacra Frankincense (luban dakar) in resin grains from Oman for sale, the best selected quality with certain provenance imported from the Dhofar - Sultanate of Oman. Green Alhojari incense of pure and natural resin tears collected and hand-selected for retail and wholesale sales.

Green Al Hojari Boswellia Sacra Frankincense of the best quality, is the richest of Boswellic Acids A.K.B.A. and Pinene compounds. Green Frankincense Luban incense Oman - Dhofar, Salalah.
Green Al Hojari Boswellia Sacred incense in natural and pure resin grains (tears) that grows only in the Dhofar region in the Sultanate of Oman. The Green Boswellia Sacra Frankincense is the product of excellence for its therapeutic properties and fragrance, and it's considered the best incense in the world and the most valuable.

Green Frankincense Boswellia Sacra Oman is appreciated in herbalism and medicine for antibacterial properties, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, relaxing and anxiety reduction, and is highly prized for its powerful anti-aging properties.
The Green Boswellia Sacra Frankincense Oman is the most rich of Boswellic Acid A.K.B.A. and Pinene of the incenses in the world.

- The harvesting of Oman's Alhojari Green Boswellia Sacra Frankincense Oman is limited and availability is confined.
Oman‘s Frankincense Boswellia Sacra is a resin grain that originates from the Boswellia Sacra trees which grow on the plain near the wadi, hills and mountains of Dhofar, the region is the Southern of Oman and its capital is Salalah. The quality of the frankincenses Boswellia Sacra from Oman is based on the area where it grows as well as the harvest period.
But the Green Frankincense or Royal Green Frankincense Boswellia Sacra quality grows spontaneously only in a little circumscribe area of the hills of Dhofar in the South of Sultanate of Oman.

The Green Al Hojari Boswellia Sacra Frankincense from Oman is a rare and valuable incense. For centuries it has been considered the Frankincense par excellence and the most valuable for its finest aroma, smell quality and medical therapeutic compound properties. From several countries, doctors and researchers are studying the medical benefits and therapeutic proprieties of the Green Frankincense Oman.

The Oman's Frankincense resin is collected from the Boswellia Sacra frankincense trees, the grain selection and processing is done by hand by well experienced Omanis. Our mission is to sale Oman's certain origin products of raw resin of Boswellia Sacra from Oman, both pure Frankincense Essential Oils and Frankincense Water, Myrrh and Essential Oils from Yemen and derivate products, as well.

Our products come all from our selected partners from Sultanate of Oman.
The selection of the products and the partners is based on our long experience in the Sultanate of the Oman country, our long research and a careful evaluation of the products.
The selection of the partners is also based by their capability to give the certification that guarantee the origin of the raw resins and essential oils which come from Oman and Yemen and to ensure that are not mixed with products from other countries!!
Our practices are sustainable: we cooperate and import directly with the best Omani artisan partners!! We have chosen to work with Omani artisan and not with big trade broker companies. The frankincense resins are harvested from the local Boswellia Sacra trees. In Oman the Boswellia Sacra trees are protected by the strict law and controlled by the local authority.
There is an important sustainable project to protect the Boswellia Sacra trees by the Sultanate of Oman. That’s why we have chosen to work with selected local Omani partners that guarantee us the Oman’s certain origin of the products!

Our Partners are company regularly registered with the license to produce and trades at the Trade Chamber of Sultanate of Oman.
The other highly fine Al Hojari Boswellia Sacra Frankincense raw resins from Oman for fragrance and property, of which there is greater availability for sale, are the follow below:

- Royal Green Frankincense Al Hojari Boswellia Sacra from Dhofar Oman selected tears (grains) please click on the link

- Frankincense in resin grains Al Hojari Boswellia Sacra of Oman, premium grade: Large Light Grains, best quality.
Enjoy to see our frankincense, please click on the link:

- Frankincense in resin grains Al Hojari Boswellia Sacra of Oman, premium grade: Grains 12-20 mm, best quality.
Enjoy to see our frankincense, please click on the link:


How is the Green Frankincense used in Oman: since centuries, the Omani people use to take some Green Boswellia Sacra frankincense grains and chewing it slowly, or to put some grains of resin in a glass of water, then when the Green Frankincense resin tears are dissolved they use to drink the water before eating in the morning.
Sometimes the Omani people use to dissolve some grains of Green frankincense in boiling water creating vapors and smell its aroma as medical treatment to calm the inflammatory or to relax themself.

AROMATHERAPY with incense AL HOJARI BOSWELLIA SACRA in resin tears from Oman, well-being and pampering yourself:
put some grains of frankincense resin Al Hojari Boswellia Sacra on the incense burner, add a bit of water and light the candle.
Slowly the water heats up and the resin melts, the water vapor soaked in the essence of Incense Oil Alhojari perfumes the room, giving you a relaxing atmosphere and physical and mental benefits. Aromatherapy with incense al Hojari Boswellia Sacra is an excellent experience to pampering and have harmony yourself, and also to have relax when you feel tired and stressed. Aromatherapy it’s good to perfume and sanitize rooms, as well!
We suggest adding Myrrh Incense grains as a mixture to increase the effect of the benefits and the fragrances.

BOILING GREEN INCENSE AL HOJARI BOSWELLIA SACRA: for those who do not like burnt incense, boiling incense is an excellent solution that I really appreciate, for its sweet, intense and pleasant aroma.

Boiled incense is great for relaxing by breathing in the scent of natural oils that melt with the heat and radiate into the room, and it is great to perfume and sanitize rooms !! Frankincense boiled is good solution to keep away mosquitoes from the room.
Use a steel saucepan and boil some natural water. Then, when the water boils, put a few grains of Frankincense Al Hojari Boswellia Sacra incense. Let the flame boil slowly for about 20 minutes or even more, depending on the quantity of water and incense grains. At the end, let the water cool and clean the saucepan with a sponge to remove resin residues.
Personally, I like the incense Boswellia sacra boiled in water and as aromatherapy to perfume and sanitize office and home, for the pleasure of living in a pleasant, relaxing and sanitized environment.

BURNING THE FRANKINCENSE WITH CHARCOALS: put the grains of incense in resin Al Hojari Boswellia Sacra of Oman on the charcoal, which is already burning in the incense burner, to make them burn slowly enhancing their unique and particular fragrance. A few grains are enough and it burns for a long time. When the Frankincense Al hojari Boswellia Sacra in resin burns, it does not melt like the other incense resins, but it burns releasing an intense scent with a sweetly resinous fragrance. It’s a nice experience to add, at our Al Hojari incense, some grains of Myrrh to increase the effect of the fragrance and the benefits.

We suggest not to breathe the fumes emitted directly and to ventilate the rooms before staying there. To burn incense is great for perfuming and sanitizing home and office rooms! Keep the incense burner and the charcoals away from children, people and flammable material

FRANKINCENSE AL HOJARI BOSWELLIA SACRA OMAN AND THE MOSQUITOES: mosquitoes don’t like frankincense scent! Burn or boil on the incense burner some grains of frankincense Boswellia Sacra Oman in the room … the scent will keep away the mosquitoes.
A nice way is to keep in the room an open glass vase full of Frankincense tears Boswellia Sacra or a bowl full of frankincense resin and the scent will keep out the mosquitos, as well !!
Keep the incense burner and the charcoals away from children, people and flammable material. We suggest not to breathe the fumes emitted directly and to ventilate the rooms before staying there.

FRANKINCENSE AND USE WITH THE MASK IN TIME OF COVID-19: take a grain of the purest and finest Green frankincense Boswellia Sacra or Al Hojari frankincense Boswellia Sacra from Oman, rub it into the inner part of the mask that rests on the nose and mouth or alternatively put a drop of Frankincense Essential Oil Al Hojari Boswellia Sacra Oman and wear the mask ... the scent of the Frankincense Boswellia Sacra from Oman facilitates breathing by freeing the nose and giving you a pleasant and relaxing experience.

Please note: If you have any allergies, intolerances and hypersensitiveness, pregnancy or existing illnesses, we ask you to inquire with a doctor or specialist before purchasing and using our products. The information written in the texts about the application, and the results achieved or the effect of the product, are not scientifically valid claims and scientifically proven effects, are not therapeutic medical scientific statement. Any medical uses are not ascertained by official medicine. Contraindications: allergies, intolerances and hypersensitiveness to the products and serious heart and vascular diseases. Any use of the products is with the responsibility of the user.



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